Damiana Essential Oil

Damiana (5mls) Essential Oil

Tax included

Turnera Diffusa - 100% Pure essential oil
Origin: Mexico

Aphrodisiac / Tonic / Uplifting / Strengthening

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Aroma: Rich, warm, sweet In the Mayan civilisation Damiana was used as an aphrodisiac. Damiana is a tonic for the hormones and can balance menstrual irregularities. It can help to relieve depression and anxiety generally restoring balance.

Damiana can also help to relieve constipation. It is a good overall tonic!

This oil is one of almost 100 specialty / rare essential oils on the site.

If you have attended one of Denise's Archangel Workshops / Light Baths you may have already discovered and worked with this oil.

Unfortunately we are unable to provide any information about this oil's Archangel associations.

NB The bottle packaging differs with white non-transparent labels and no cap labels.


Damiana (5mls) Essential Oil
