Zedoary Essential Oil

Zedoary (10mls) Essential Oil

Tax included

Curcuma zedoaria - 100% Pure essential oil

Warm, spicy, energising, improves concentration, mood uplifting, digestive, respiratory.

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Zedoary is a wonderfully warming and stimulating essential oil that is a tonic for body, mind and spirit.

It is renowned as a digestive aid – add 3 drops of Zedoary to two teaspoons of almond oil (or any other carrier oil) and rub it gently into the abdomen to relieve indigestion, spasms, flatulence and irregular bowel movements.

Zedoary also is excellent for treating respiratory problems. Use 3 drops Zedoary or 2 drops Zedoary and 1 drop Frankincense or 1 drop Zedoary, 1 drop Frankincense and 1 drop Elemi to 2 teaspoons of almond oil and rub into the chest and back to treat congestion. Use it in an inhalation to unblock sinuses.

Use Zedoary also to soothe muscular and joint pain. Try a massage blend with 3 drops Zedoary to 2 teaspoons almond oil to relieve the pain and inflammation of muscular-skeletal problems. Zedoary can also help to clear the mind and reduce stress and tension. It is a good mood booster!

If you have attended one of Denise's Archangel Workshops / Light Baths you may have already discovered and worked with this oil.


Data sheet

Botanical Species
Curcuma zedoaria
Country of Origin

Zedoary (10mls) Essential Oil
